
Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Make Money With Forex Trading

Forex is a great way to make quick money online. You just have to know the basic skills for trading and you will be on your way to make money at home. You don't have to sit around your computer waiting after placing your trade. Just place your trade and wait for the profits to roll in.

Things You'll Need:
A forex account
A broker (optional)

A deposit1st Step:- Forex means, "Foreign Exchange." That means buying a currency and selling it to make profit. The currencies are sold in pairs, such as, EUR/USD. You can sign up for a free Demo account and practice to trade, before you open a real account.
2nd Step:-Get familiar with forex terms used in forex trading. There are ebooks online, with lots of information to get you started. Once you get comfortable with trading. Open a live account, you can Open an account with as little as $200.
3rd Step:-You can choose to use a broker or you can trade by yourself. You can trade at anytime of the day because the Foreign Exchange market operates 24 hours a day.
4th Step:-Some of the most popular currency pairs, in forex trading are: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/JPY and USD/CHF.
5th Step:-Be prepared to risk some of your investment capital for the opportunity to make higher returns. Visit the forums and do google searches for additional information, that will help your trading to be more successful.

Calculating Profit and Loss

Today i will share that how profit and loss can be calculated. There are certain auto calculators available but it is highly recommended to learn calculating profit and loss.

Let's say that the current bid/ask for EUR/USD is 1.46160/190, meaning you can buy 1 euro for 1.46190 or sell 1 euro for 1.46160. Suppose you decide that the Euro is undervalued against the US dollar, and you expect it to strengthen, you would buy Euros (simultaneously selling dollars), and then wait for the exchange rate to rise. To make the trade you buy 100,000 Euros, paying 146,190 dollars (100,000 x 1.46190). At 1% margin, your initial margin deposit would be approximately $1,461 for this trade. If as you expected, the Euro strengthens you can realise a profit by selling EUR/USD to close your trade. If the Euro had strengthened to 1.462300/260, you would sell 100,000 Euros at the current rate of 1.46230, and receive $146,230 To calculate your profit: You bought 100,000 Euros at 1.46190, paying $146,190. You sold 100,000 Euros at 1.46230, receiving $146,230. That's a difference of 4 pips, or in dollar terms ($146,190 - 146,230 = $40). Total profit = US $40.

Let's say that we once again buy EUR/USD when trading at 1.46160/190. You buy 100,000 Euros paying 146,190 dollars (100,000 x 1.46190) - as in example 1. However, in this example the Euro weakens to 1.46110/140. To minimise your loss you sell 100,000 Euros at 1.46110 and receive $146,110. To calculate your loss: You bought 100k Euros at 1.46190, paying $146,190. You sold 100k Euros at 1.46110, receiving $146,110. That's a difference of 8 pips, or in dollar terms ($146,190 - $146,110 = $80). Total loss = US $80. source:

What is Forex Quotes?

Reading a foreign exchange quote is simple if you remember two things:
The first currency listed is the base currency.
The value of the base currency is always 1. The US dollar is usually considered the base currency for quotes. When the base currency is USD, think of the quote as telling you what a US dollar is worth in that other currency. When USD is the base currency and the quote goes up, that means USD has strengthened in value and the other currency has weakened. In other words, a rising quote means that the US dollar can buy more of the other currency than before. Majors not based on the US dollar There are three exceptions when the US Dollar is not the base currency of a pair - these exceptions are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). For these pairs, the quote is based on the other currency, and a rising quote means that the other currency is strengthening, and the US dollar is weakening. Cross currencies Currency pairs that don't involve USD at all are called cross currencies. BID, ASK and the Spread Just like other markets, forex quotes consist of two sides, the BID and the ASK: The BID is the price at which you can SELL base currency.The ASK is the price at which you can BUY base currency. The spread is the difference between the BID and the ASK, and represents the cost of trading. In forex, spreads are tighter than many other markets, making it cost effective to trade on relatively small price movements. What's a pip? Forex prices are generally very liquid, and are usually quoted in very small increments called pips, or "percentage in point". A pip refers to the fourth decimal point out, or 1/100th of 1%. For Japanese yen, pips refer to the second decimal point. This is the only exception among the major currencies.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Forex Information

forex infoWelcome to your mini guide to online Forex trading, where you’ll be able to find out key information about Forex, Forex trading, Forex tips and many more.

Forex Currency Exchange

Forex, Fx, Spot Fx or Currency market are all names that refer to the foreign exchange market- a market where currencies are bought and sold according to an exchange rate. The market came about in the 1970s when President Nixon scrapped the Gold Standard. This allowed for currencies to fluctuate, and hence, created the potential for making profit off of trading currencies. Forex is the largest financial market in the world, averaging $4 trillion in daily trading volume, which is about 16 times the average trading volume of the New York Stock Exchange.

Forex Trading

Since the beginning of this market until the 1990s, the main currency traders were big banks and large financial institutions. This was due to the minimum monetary requirement to enter the market, which ranged from $10 million up to $50 million. What made it really open to the average person was the advent of the Internet, which made trading in smaller volumes with no minimum criteria possible. This has allowed for Forex trading systems to diversify, permitting more Forex brokers to exist and encouraging Forex trading software applications to be developed in order to streamline currency trading for average online users.

Here are a few Forex tips about currency trading:

Exchange rates

forex exchange ratesUnlike stock markets, there is no need for a lot of inside information in order to foresee market trends. Exchange rates are built on confidence in a certain currency, which ultimately stems from good macroeconomic indicators, providing a specific country is performing well from an economic point of view. One can have free access to this kind of information by reading economic-focused publications, guides, country pages and so on.

The key is that currencies are exchanged in pairs. You can sell USD to buy British pounds and so on. The exchange rate establishes the value of one currency relative to another. This means when one evaluates possible market trends, those need to be specifically related to the trading pair. For example, if the value of the American dollar declined as compared to the British pound, is it necessarily the case that it will decline as compared to all other currencies? The answer is most likely not.

The basic idea behind this is that economic indicators of each country’s performance will influence the confidence in its currency, stimulate or reduce demand, and therefore cause a change in its value. Inflation fears, debt defaults or recession fears are negative factors that will lower a currency’s value. Natural disasters, wars or deep recessions may be other factors that can lower a currency’s value across the board (i.e., relative to all other important currencies). Again, these simple economic factors are open to the public and this makes currency trading easier for average people.

Online Forex Trading

Online Forex trading involves online currency trading on an interbank rate via market makers. A market maker is a firm that quotes a buy and a sell price for a currency. Their profit comes from the currency spread, which is the difference between their buy price (the price they bought the currency for) and the sell price (the price they sell the currency to average traders for). The quotes for buying and selling are based on the market makers foreseen demand for one currency versus another one. In Forex most deals are over-the-counter. meaning a market maker sells to and buys from its clients. A market maker will allow you to set up online trading accounts.

You can get started by looking up market makers that offer a Forex demo trading session or a so-called “Forex for dummies” initiation process. You can choose between micro accounts and mini accounts according to the trading size you can afford. The benefit of Forex online trading is that it makes it possible to trade 24/7 in all sessions: the American, European and Asian trading sessions.

When trying to get started with online Forex trading, make sure you understand how the market works, and choose a market maker that will also provide you with resources for learning and getting used to currency trading.

Foreign Exchange, Trade Of Currencies

By forex futures trading

Excecutive Sumarry about Foreign Exchange, Trade Of Currencies By Chris David
forex trading currency

forex trading currency

Foreign exchange is market where exchange of currencies takes place for another currency. Foreign exchange is the market where exchange of currencies takes place for more and different number of foreign county. Foreign exchange is nothing but buying and selling of foreign currencies in exchange of another. In the foreign exchange market, more of number of foreign currencies will be exchanged by the members and other traders with fluctuations of market price.

The rate of exchange fixed for the foreign currency varies as per the demand and fluctuation of foreign exchange market. Foreign currencies will be exchanged based on the requirement and demand for other foreign currency. The entry of any foreign currency is free and any number of counties can enter the foreign exchange market by buying and selling foreign exchange currencies. Sometimes, the foreign exchange market may finds fluctuations for the foreign currencies listed with respect to political and economic condition of the foreign currency in the market.

Finding Investment Opportunities in Currency Exchange

Excecutive Sumarry about Finding Investment Opportunities in Currency Exchange By Y. Tilden

Having an understanding of global market behavior will save investors from losing valuable investments and improve their odds for profit. Interest in the currency exchange market is growing, and investors with knowledge of global market behavior have an added advantage, as the money exchange is highly influenced by the global market activity. The currency exchange market differs from the NYSE in several ways. This difference in market opening time is one of the reasons why trading volume is so much larger on the currency market. Unlike the NYSE where transactions are centralized, the currency market is completely decentralized. Many factors make the currency market a highly lucrative investment market over the NYSE.